Livin1 Think2-Systems3 Suggestion

Before you dig deeper, please check through the “Categories” (to the right) with the relevant experiences of other visitors, and share your experience in a straight forward way without undue arguing. Consider that there are 1728  relevant lifefulfilling principles and trying to unify them in one, is the Option I fallacy we are here to overcome! It is about understanding within the principle of postponed prejudice. For that purpose you are offered the opportunity to learn to focus on living 1) based on your understanding, to think in terms of 2) what you can accept as a measure stick, and to use systems 3) in order to follow up what is thus lifefulfilling. This approach is in stark contrast with the zeitgeist, which asked to be followed-upaccepting its trend as your fate, and understanding your impotence to change it, in order to be allowed to ride it at your risk

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